Kiehl's is an American cosmetics brand retailer that specializes in skin, hair, and body care products. With over 400 stores worldwide, Kiehl's is known for its focus on customer service and its retail brand experience. Their lab-coated store associates use various digital tools to analyze each customer's unique skin conditions and create custom-tailored routines to achieve their skincare goals. With several new tools being introduced, we have been tasked with integrating them into the associate app.
Integrate New Devices
Devices need to seamlessly integrate wth the app and with the consultation experience.
Skin Analysis Needs to be Displayed
The devices' analysis results must be visually shown within the app.
Understanding the Data
The results need to be easily understood in order for the associate to create product results based on the results.
Create simple visual connection prompts
A seamless connection process is vital to keep the consultation moving in a seamless manner.
Data Analysis
Have the data parsed by the app and displayed visually with graphs and images to be easily understood.
Routine Builder
Create a Routine Builder tool for the associate to recommend product routines based on the data.
Work with the design and flow of the app and consultation process to integrate the new tools in a natural manner.
Create a routine builder, where store associates can combine products together to create product routines for customers.
Capture the results of the consultation in a customer file to be easily accessed by associates on future visits.

The consultation experience has been elevated with the introduction of the new skin analysis tools. Integrating the tools into the associate app creates a seamless consultation process that leads to the routine builder feature.
Store associates use the data findings to recommend product routines that will achieve the customer's desired skin goals.
To build an ongoing relationship with the customer, a consultation summary will be retained in a customer file for future visits as well as being sent to the customer via email.